深圳北站商务中心区城市绿谷景观规划设计国际咨询月设计成果评审会评审结果公告Notice of the Evaluation Result of the Evaluation Meeting of Final Deliverables of the International Consultation on the Urban Green Valley Landscape Planning and Design for the CBD of Shenzhen North Railway Station2015年4月24日,由深圳市龙华新区管理委员会主办、深圳市规划和国土资源委员会龙华管理局与深圳北站商务中心区规划建设指挥部办公室牵头主办的“《深圳北站商务中心区城市绿谷景观规划设计国际咨询》月设计成果评审会”在深圳观澜格兰云天国际酒店109-111会议室开会。本次评审会邀了来自香港、新加坡、北京及深圳本地的城市规划与设计、景观设计、建筑设计和市政交通等领域的7位国内外著名专家,并重新组建了专家评审委员会。
会上,评审委员会对6家获奖机构和2家强迫参赛机构递交的月设计成果展开了严肃的辩论和评审,经过两轮记名投票,最后票选出有本次国际咨询活动的前三名,结果如下:The Evaluation Meeting of Final Deliverables of the International Consultation on the Urban Green Valley Landscape Planning and Design for the CBD of Shenzhen North Railway Station, which is organized by the Administrative Committee of Longhua New District, Shenzhen, and jointly undertaken by the Longhua Office of Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality and the Planning and Construction Office for the CBD of Shenzhen North Railway Station, was held in the Meeting Room No. 109-111 at the Grand Skylight Hotel, on April 24, 2015.The jury panel of this evaluation meeting was constituted by 7 experts from areas such as urban planning and design, landscape design, architectural design and transportation etc. In the meeting, the jury panel carried out meticulous discussion and review on the design deliverables submitted by the 6 shortlisted and 2 voluntary participants. Through 2 rounds of voting, the top three winners of this International Consultation were selected and the result is as follows:第一名:深圳市蕾奥城市规划设计咨询有限公司&戴水道景观咨询(北京)有限公司联合体;1st Prize: Shenzhen Lay-out Planning Consultants Ltd & Atelier Dreiseitl (BJ Branch);第二名:法国AAUPC建筑规划事务所;2nd Prize: AAUPC.SARL;第三名:华南理工大学建筑设计研究院&澳大利亚IAPA设计顾问有限公司联合体。3rd Prize: The Architectural Design Research Institute of SCUT & IAPA PTY. LTD.前日公告!Hereby announced!。